Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Works for Me--Cheap Hand Soap

Once again, "my" idea is one that I shamelessly copped from someone else. This weekend, some friends and I were discussing hand soap and how difficult it is to find a liquid hand soap that is not anti-bacterial. (Wendy, I see you cringing!) One friend had a fabulously brilliant--and cheap!--solution: shampoo. She had first used this trick while in China. She bought some shampoo that did horrible things to her hair. In an effort to "waste not, want not" she tried using it as hand soap--and it worked great.
And why wouldn't it? Soap's primary mechanisim is to carry away germs. The friction of your hands rubbing together is really what gets your hands clean, not so much the soap itself. The soap is merely a vehicle for the germs to cling to and be rinsed away.
I haven't tried this, yet, but we are running low on liquid soap. You can bet that I will be stocking up on dollar store shampoo when I go grocery shopping tonight.
(Sorry for the random asterisks. Blogger is doing bizzare things with the post formatting this morning.)